La Revue No. 1, 2015 — Calder en France

To commemorate the 25th anniversary of the Atelier Calder in France,
the residency at Calder’s former studio in Saché, Cahiers d’Art published a special issue on Calder in France. It includes historical essays and numerous previously unpublished photographs pertaining to Calder’s time in France, the design and construction of his Saché studio, an essay by Alfred Pacquement (President of the Board of the Atelier Calder) on the artists who have been in residency over the past 25 years and pictures by Agnès Varda. An original copper plate was etched by Calder in 1942 but no edition was printed during his lifetime. This Untitled etching is presented for the first time in this issue of Cahiers d’Art.