Revue Cahiers d’Art, Numéro Spécial, 2015, Picasso Dans l’Atelier

90.00 €

CategoriesAll Products, Cahiers d'Art Selection, Publications Cahiers d'Art, Standard Edition
ArtistsGeorge Condo, Jeff Koons, Miquel Barceló, Pablo Picasso, Picasso, Robert Longo, Sheila Hicks, Tatiana Trouvé, William Kentridge
AvailabilityIn stock


Revue Cahiers d’Art, Numéro Spécial, 2015, Picasso Dans l’Atelier

This issue presents unpublished photographs of Picasso’s studio by big names in photography, and personal photographs from private collections. It focuses on the different techniques used by the artist through seven chapters: sculpture, drawing, ceramics, painting, tapestry, printmaking, and monumental sculpture. Scientific direction provided by Cécile Godefroy and Vérane Tasseau. Each chapter is accompanied by an interview with a contemporary artist highlighting the links between their practice and that of Picasso: Miquel Barceló, George Condo, Sheila Hicks, William Kentridge, Jeff Koons, Robert Longo, and Tatiane Trouvé.