Revue Cahiers d’Art, 2012, n°1, Ellsworth Kelly, Limited Edition including original Artwork

2,000.00 €

CategoriesAll Products, Limited Edition
ArtistEllsworth Kelly
AvailabilityOn request


Revue Cahiers d’Art, 2012, n°1, Ellsworth Kelly, Limited Edition including original Artwork

The Limited Edition of this issue is presented in a blue linen box and features White Form, a special cover created by Ellsworth Kelly, which replaces Black Form I, the cover artwork of the standard edition. Each Limited Edition is signed and numbered by the artist, whose signature appears adjacent to Red Form for Cahiers d’Art, 2012, a color lithograph that was created specially by the artist for this first issue of the new Cahiers d’Art revue. The Limited Edition of Cahiers d’Art 2012 NO 1 Ellsworth Kelly is limited to seventy-five numbered copies in English and seventy -five numbered copies in French.