Cahiers d’Art, 1940 – 1944, 15th – 19th years
During these four years, Zervos had to interrupt the publication of Cahiers d’Art,
which would constitute the only moment of stopping the publication until 1960. He therefore started again with this vast number, made up at the first page, of a very colorful still life by Picasso in an original drypoint. Many texts have been published, including “For a new evaluation of aesthetic values” by Zervos, “Narrow poems in threatened life” by René Char, “Eaux-fortes de Picasso” by Prévert, “At height of friendship ” by Bataille,” Logical time and the assertion of an anticipated certainty “by Lacan,” Le partis-pris des choses “by Frénaud, but also some writings by Leiris, Tzara, Paulhan, Queneau, Kahnweiler, Cassou, and many others…